i do not under stand why madness did not win tank awards
krinkels is like the best flash artist on NG
i mean nothing against waterlolies i loved it was a good flash but madness was great!!!
this is my favorite madness
the next madness is going to be awesome i wonder if Hank comes back from the dead
guess we are gunna wait and find out
on the topic of tank awards that game NG rumble, incredible, check it out if you already have not [you probably have though]
ps; i do not know who won 06 tank awards if you know leave it on your comment.
I think Madness is way better than waterlolies.
alienhominid100 (Updated )
well it is kinda hard to say you know waterlolies has great music and flash and a good plot
madness has a great plot and good animation and music so